Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Post-Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was seeming bleary. I was terrified of "Single People's Awareness Day." I then decided that I don't have to use it as a holiday to either make me feel bad about being single or put crazy expectations on the person I'm dating. I can just celebrate all the love I've got in my life.

That being said, I did have a Valentine's Day date. I had a first date with a guy I'd met online. We'd started chatting shortly after Christmas. He seemed cool... we had great phone conversations. He's from Ireland and has a fantastic Irish brogue. Met the guy though and was not feeling it. One of the main problems was that he had his shirt unbottoned half-way down his chest. Why do men do that? Does anyone think that's actually sexy?! The whole time we were having dinner I had this almost uncontrollable urge to reach over and button up his shirt.

Then he had these strange mannerisms that remind me of my uncle. The mannerisms aren't bad in and of themselves, but my uncle is suffering from some slight mental problems right now. Bad association!

Lastly, I just wasn't that into his face. He spends a lot of time in the sun and was sort of wrinkly. That and the fact that he's just been traveling around the world for the past 2 years working odd jobs here and there. On the one hand, I'm incredibly jealous of that and think it would be great fun. On the other hand, I want to date someone with a little ambition and stability. I think the long and short of it is that I'm ready to settle down.

Anyway, that was D. He sent me a yahoo text message saying he had a great time and asking to do it again soon. I replied back saying thanks for taking me out, but the chemistry wasn't there for me. I think that's the appropriate way to handle that. Guys, if you disagree please let me know.

In Hip Girlz news... I ordered business cards and have hired my writing teacher to be a personal coach for the book. That's all very exciting. In other news, I got a reply back from one of the manufacturers that I contacted. I haven't written back because I've been wimpy about writing in Spanish. I am going to pull out the big Spanish-English dictionary later and set aside an hour later today to just do it. It's not acceptable to continue to be so wimpy. I'm excited about my trip. I've decided that my main order will be to have fun, hip girlz, mama gena experiences.


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