Monday, December 26, 2005

LA Christmas Story

A person's true wealth is the good he or she does in the world.
- Mohammed

I had a funny LA moment. Yesterday morning I went to church. I brag that on my way out, I decided to buy a tape of the sermon for my cousin who used to attend that church before she moved back to NYC. As I was waiting in line, the woman in front of me turned to ask how much the tapes were. I said "They're a $9 donation." As I said that, I realized the woman I was speaking to was none other than a very famous academy award winning actress. In LA it's against the law to say anything to actors (not really, but de facto rule), so I just waited patiently for the tapes. Ms. Famous Actress got up to the front of the line and said she wanted to get three tapes. She looked in her wallet and exclaimed in dismay "I've only got $10 here and I've forgotten my checkbook." I siddled up beside her and looked in my wallet. I already had $10 in hand for my tape. I pulled out a $20 from my wallet. "Here's $10 for my tape and here's money for two of her tapes." I turned to her and said "Merry Christmas." She gave me a really surprized look. "I put all my cash in the donation basket inside." "That's o.k. Merry Christmas." She then gave me a big hug and wished me a merry Christmas. "You too!" I said and went on my merry way. As I was driving home, my brother called me from San Francisco to wish me a merry Christmas. I told him the story. He said "you're so rich, you can afford to treat the rich." "You're right. I am that rich. " Haha!

Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa to all!


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