Sunday, March 12, 2006

100 Things About Me (71-80)

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare

71. I brought my sister and Jill to go see a play tonight -- As You Like It. It was the worst play I've ever seen in my life. It was so bad that it made me laugh until I cried. The alien and a major character who carried the script with him throughout the entire play and just read his lines [played by an understudy, but still] were the worst and most comical parts of the play. I think if Shakespeare had seen what these people had done with his precious play, he might rethink the above quote.
72. Normally I really enjoy theater. [I'm still happy I went to see today's show. I now have a memory I'll never forget.
73. I acted in a couple plays when I was in high school -- I was a theater geek. I never had a major part and in general was a pretty bad actress. I think I could be a good actress though [or rather an Oprah-like tv show host] -- I'm a total ham.
74. The only political office I ever ran for was in college. I ran for and was elected to be residence council representative for Royal Victoria College (my first year dorm in college). I sang my speech -- adapted version of Barenaked Ladies' "If I Had $1,000,000." I hated politics -- everyone took themselves way too seriously. We were a residence council for crying out loud... the most important thing we discussed was how we'd split up money for our respective residence hall parties. You would think my fellow representatives were debating over world peace!
75. I don't take myself too seriously (at least I hope not). Is it taking yourself too seriously to write 100 things about your life?
76. When I lived in Argentina I taught yoga in my apartment.
77. There were also tango classes in my apartment -- I helped as an assistant.
78. Lastly, I taught English classes to business people in Argentina.
79. I returned from Argentina in December 2003. I lived off the kindness of my friends -- I spent 4 months on Jojo's floor and borrowed everyone's car. [Not having a car in LA sucks ass]
80. Finally I got a job at my current law firm. In 2 weeks I'll have been there two years. Time flies.


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