I am inspired!
"In the end, ... that's what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism, or do we participate in a politics of hope?"
~Barack Obama

It's been a long time since I've been excited about a political election. I don't know the last time I've been inspired by a politician (at least a living one), but I am inspired by Barack Obama. I first got really excited when I heard his speech at the last Democratic National Convention. I remember thinking "this man is going to be the president of the United States someday." I didn't see it happening quite this soon, because he seemed like he might be too green to run in 2008, but I saw it happening. I'm happy that it's happening now.
Yesterday, my beloved hubby and I braved the rains to go hear Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and Caroline Kennedy speak at an Obama rally. We were also blessed to see Stevie Wonder and Maria Shriver, as she delivered her bomb of an announcement of support.
Los Angelenos tend to hate to go out in the rain and it was Super Bowl Sunday, so we did not think there would be too many people there. We expected some crowds (Oprah Winfrey was speaking after all. I know the fact that my hero Oprah was going to be there definitely motivated me to show up), but nothing like what we experienced. The line to get into UCLA's Pauley Pavillion seemed to snake all around campus. We did not see the entirety of the line, and it still took us 5 minutes to walk to the end. We were afraid we might not be able to get in! It was very heartening though to see so many people there and excited about the political process. It was also very heartening to see the diversity of faces, ages, genders, and races. There were many young college students and there were many grey heads. There were black, white, asian, latino, and other faces. There seemed to be as many women as men. It was cool!
With the exception of Stevie Wonder, all the speakers were women. And without exception, all the speakers were great. Michelle Obama was particularly impressive. As we left, P. told me "She was amazing! I would vote for her!" We could tell from that rousing speech that if Obama gets into the White House, the First Lady will be no shrinking violet!
We came home and watched the Yes We Can Barack Obama music video quite a few times last night. We saw it at the rally, but from our position on the floor, we did not have a good vantage point. I also watched a few of Barack Obama's speeches from recent weeks (New Hampshire/reply to the State of the Union/etc.)
I'm fired up and REALLY excited about Super Tuesday tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to voting and I hope that all of you eligible voters make sure to cast your ballot (regardless of which candidate). This is an election that will change history. Be a part of it!
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