Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pleasure Palace... Here I Come!

I have been feeling fantastically fine here in NYC. I've been strutting my stuff and just feeling like I was in my element. And then... all of a sudden during the past few days I've found that I'm in a funk. :( Boo.

So, here I am in my funkified state and I get a call from Elizabeth, super sister goddess who works at Mama Gena's Pleasure Palace. Wouldn't you know I've been needing some Mama Gena action. If y'all don't know who Mama Gena is, you should check her out at

How did Elizabeth know to call me? I figured that since I was in New York, home of the Grande Dame herself, I would see if I could check out the spot in person. I signed up for a free teleconference with Dame Lori on Man Training. I participated in that and was duly inspired. The call though was really just an extended pitch for the Advanced Man Training class that will be starting this coming Tuesday in New York.

Elizabeth called me today to see if I would be joining the class. I didn't feel like spending the money (Mama Gena, fabulous though she is, does not have cheap classes), but I've been feeling a little bit like my man training skills are not up to snuff. I always seem to have a man nesting somewhere, but my relationships of late have been neither sustained nor satisfying. If there are skills to be learned in this area, I sure could use them.

At first I hemmed and hawed. Elizabeth, fabulous salewoman that she is, convinced me to join. So, what do you know ... I've signed up for this class. Pleasure Palace... here I come!!!


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