Rat Sighting No. 3
On my way back from dinner at Spice (delicious and supremely inexpensive asian fusion restaurant at corner of University Place and 10th St.) with Eleonore, Craig Fagan, Athena, and Eleo's friend Wendy, I saw another rat. There is construction going on on the corner of my block... the Hearst Corporation's new headquarters is going up. As I started walking under some scaffolding a fat rat peeped its head out and started to cross the path. It saw me and dashed back in through the hole in the wooden wall. For a second I thought it was waiting in attack to leap as I passed by to bite my face. I pushed thoughts of this out of my head and confidently walked on.

I believe the rats I've seen must be a larger cousins of the Norway rat. I am cured of my phobia, but upon seeing this chart, I decided that I never want to go to Norway.
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