Quote and Update

Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake. -- Marie Beyon Ray
I'm so excited! I just figured out an easy way to post pictures on blogger. That's a picture of me in my office in LA.
So, I haven't written for a couple of days. My weekend was fun. Saturday I had to spend some time in the office. I then had dinner with a guy from my building. I think he thought it was a date. I didn't. After dinner I met up with Alanna and we went to the Villard and then to Redemption, a bar a couple blocks from my apartment.
Sunday I went to church. After church I met up with my new church friend Tusi and her cousin, who's visiting from Scotland. He treated us to a lovely brunch. I went back to the office for a few hours and then met Craig at Luna Park in Union Square. We had some drinks and he was a darling to treat me. I'm so blessed to get treated all the time. :)
Last night I went on a date with O. We went to a bar called Bliss. That great thing about O. is that he lives only 2 blocks away from me. That's very convenient (at least for now). I got approval from the powers that be to move out of the studio and into a one bedroom. Hurray! I'm just waiting for the leasing company to find me an apartment.
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