3 Simple Things That Made Me Happy
“If we are not happy and joyous at this season,
for what other season shall we wait and
for what other time shall we look?”

I bought myself a bouquet of flowers. $7 for this bouquet of zinnias (pictured above). It's such a small price to pay for happiness.
My sister Cookie is having a Hawaiian-themed birthday party this weekend at my house in LA. You have to wear a Hawaiian outfit, so I went out today to get a theme-appropriate top. I went downstairs to Banana Republic and found a cute tank with a nice Hawaiian print. The top was in the clearance rack. I tried it on. The colors looked great, but it was too big. I was a little saddened because I thought it was the only one left. As I sadly put it back on the rack, I noticed that there was another one in my size. I picked it up and checked out the price tag -- on sale for $26 (down from $56). Sounds good, I thought and brought it to the register. When I went to pay I found out that it was further reduced to $12.99! I love when that happens. That made me very, very happy.
I was really craving a chocolate. Normally I don't have chocolate cravings, but I was REALLY craving one today. I decided to indulge my craving. I went downstairs to the Godiva store in the lobby. I only wanted one piece and wouldn't you know they had pieces of dark chocolate and rasberry samples. I had a sample and felt perfectly satisfied and happy. I still bought a truffle and it's nicely tucked into my desk for tomorrow's chocolate craving. Mmmmmm.
Flowers, chocolate, and a great bargain -- surefire ways to bring a smile to my face. :)
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