"We are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of dreams. We are the movers and shakers of the world forever it seems."
- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
I was going to write that the rest of my weekend was uneventful. That's not actually true, but I spent so much time curled up on my couch that it feels like it. On Saturday I had a date with D. I met him at a bar near my house, Opal, and watched him drink. Haha, it wasn't as dreary as that sounds. He had cocktails, I drank soda water (I was fasting), and we had a great time talking and laughing.
Sunday was a very mellow day. I went to church in the morning and spent quite a bit of the afternoon walking around the city by myself. That evening I went to see the 40-Year Old Virgin. I highly recommend it. It was HYSTERICAL!!!
Yesterday I spent much of the day on my couch... are you ready for this?!?... watching television. I was alternating between the HGTV and the US Open. It was actually super depressing, but when you're not eating you have so much free time. Last night I went to see the US Open. That was amazing. Such a great day for the Americans! Good times, though I left before the end of the Gasquet/Ginepri match. I left at 11:00 p.m. and it was just the beginning of the 3rd set! I had a long commute home in front of me as well. Anyway, though I started saying I had an uneventful weekend, I lied. It was plenty eventful.
Gotta run, I'm about to go donate blood.

Me in Arthur Ashe Stadium
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