Friday, September 14, 2007

Master Cleanse -- Day 7

"Whoso will pray, he must fast and be clean, And fat his soul, and make his body lean"
-- Geoffrey Chaucer

I'm on Day 7 of the cleansing fast. I feel very energetic -- actually almost too energetic. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. today (and by 5:00 other mornings). Peter's been having the opposite problem. He is awake until 3 a.m. Anyway, I don't feel like I've got insomnia, I just feel very, very energetic. Maybe it's all the sugars in the maple syrup. Who knows? I've also been woken up by cramping from the laxative tea. That's not fun, but the cramping goes away after a good bowel movement. That was too much information, wasn't it?

I've had to attend a couple dinners over the last two nights. On Wednesday night were Cookie and Bon's birthdays (both our sisters are born on 9/12). We had a joint family dinner. Last night was Rosh Hashana dinner at the kids' mom's house. I don't know how it tasted, but it smelled awfully good. There's another dinner tonight for Bon, but I'm sitting out on this one. Peter is going to attend, but I'm going to stay home with the kids. It's not that I'm hungry, but there are really only so many meals one should have to watch other people eat.

Tomorrow we head out to Palms Springs with Bon & Rob. Rob has decided to join the Master Cleanse club and is starting Day 1 tomorrow. Poor Bon will be the only one eating all weekend. She doesn't feel badly though. She's excited about not having to cook.


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