I'm leaving
"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or lifetime is certain for those who are friends."-- Richard David Bach
So, I'm definitely leaving New York. I'm heading back to LA on Sunday and my bi-coastal life will come to an end (for now). I know that I am not one to sit still for long, and soon I will be on another adventure.
It's definitely bittersweet to leave. I've loved my time here -- my Mama Gena, defensive dating, partying like a rock-star, Sex in the City life. Will it come to an end in Los Angeles? I will still have a partying life in LA, but it will be of a different calibre, different timbre. Both places are sweet, but with different flavors. I will miss the flavor of New York, but I won't be gone for long. I already am planning on returning October 5 so that I can be here to catch a flight to Montreal. I also want to return for my Mama 101 graduation at the end of October.
It's also sad to leave because I've started to really like D. I'm having fun with him, and I want to continue to explore this new and unfolding relationship. Going back home is a real pain mostly for that reason. Oh well. La vida es asi. I'm going to focus on the quote above and on meeting again after a moment or a lifetime, and on the moments we have left.
Today D. suggested that we meet for lunch and picnic outside in Rockerfeller Center plaza. It was really great. I was stressed because I have lots of work to do, but it was the perfect break. It's an ideal September day, with a brilliant blue sky, and temperature warm enough to wear a light jacket or a teeshirt and be perfectly at ease. The brisk walk, the hour in the sun, the light conversation, and the sweet kiss goodbye put me in a great mood. It was also nice to do such a prototypical New York thing on one of my last days.

Picture of D. and I at lunch
I'm looking forward to having you back on this side of the country!
Selfishly, can't wait to have you back west!
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