Soul Mates
"The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be."
Konrad Lorenz
I adopted Marley! I'm so happy to have her. She's really an amazing dog -- incredibly sweet and well-behaved. When you adopt an adult dog from the pound it's like playing russian roulette with dogs. You don't know what you're going to get. I couldn't have imagined a better fit. To tell you the truth (and this is going to sound a little crazy), I think this dog is my old dog, Max, who's come back to me. First of all, she looks just like him. Secondly, she's as good as he was (she's actually better, so maybe he learned something in the afterlife). Plus, we have the familiarity of souls who've known each other before. Now, at first I thought I was crazy, but Jojo (who was my co-owner with Max before) came to meet Marley on Friday. As we sat in a corner petting her, she whispered in my ear that she thought Marley was Max reincarnated. We looked deep in the dog's eyes and said "Max, is that you?" She just looked back at us lovingly. She/he has a good poker face. It doesn't matter. I'm just happy I have her -- whether she's Max II or just Marley. She's an amazing dog and I'm blessed.
In other news, my dear friend Christina, another soul friend, came to visit for the weekend. It was so nice to have her visiting and sharing the dog bonding process with me. The weather was not so cooperative, so we hung out in the house a lot and caught up. It's always good for me to reunite with her. Christina left Monday and was replaced by another soul friend, Katie. Katie is staying with me for a while as she settles back into being in LA. Boy, I sure feel blessed to get so much quality time with these loving friends!

Thank you!
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