Halloween was fun. I was Little Bo Peep (I wore a costume that had originally been made for a dog). It was short! I was busting out of my costume from all sides. It was fun though. Friday night I went to Jill's Halloween wine tasting (that night I wore the more demure version of my costume). On Saturday night I went to Jim's b-day/halloween bash, then to an after party. Good times were had both nights. Word to the wise though, have a designated driver that doesn't drink more than you. ;)
This past week I went to SF for a work recruiting trip. It was great. I stayed in the Palace and got to go to fancy dinners at night and talk to the law students. I really enjoyed myself. I also met a cute boy in SF so that was fun too. Why do I keep meeting cuties in different cities? I desire an LA-based one. :)
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