Another active weekend
"Keep in mind that every challenge, great or small, is moving you to
look deeper and draw forth the highest in you. You're never given a
challenge beyond your ability to meet and master. You'll rise above
every circumstance because you're greater than any circumstance."
Alan Cohen
On Saturday morning I went on a 35 mile bike ride with Ilyse, Adam and Jamie. It was fun and most of it felt really good. Towards mile 25 my ass and back started to kill though! I need to really train more because if 35 miles hurts, how am I going to survive 56?! That ride put the fear of God in me.
On Sunday, I competed in the Strawberry Fields Triathlon in Oxnard. The weather was beautiful, the ocean, on the other hand, was not very cooperative. There was an incredibly strong north to south current. The first wave of elite guys went out and the current sent them so far south that all but two were unable to reach the bouy and complete the swim. The race officials scratched their heads and changed the course. They decided to set up two lifeguards as the “buoys” much closer to shore. The women would swim around them and then head south to the second one and back to shore. The second wave of women went out. It was a disaster. At that point they gave up on the swim and decided we'd do a surf-run. The event turned into a dualthon. It was fun and I was fairly pleased with my time, though I learned that I really must speed it up in the transitions.
I'll be ready for this race if it's the last thing I do.

wow. you look great, and happy. keep up the good work and keep us posted. after you get some sleep of course!
thank you!
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