Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiday Parties and Other Goings On

"We all start from the same basis of nakedness and ignorance, and must increase by receiving whatever we have the capacity to receive from the torrential universe. Take what is given, respect it, exult in it, multiply it: that is a law as old as man, for then and only then shall you have anything worth giving back. Study something, learn something, risk more than you think you can, care about something, become something -- if in truth you wish to be loved."
-- Michael Drury from Advice to a Young Wife from an Old Mistress

I'm trying to blog a little more frequently. So many wonderful things have been happening, but they're little and sweet and if I don't write them down right away they have a tendency to fade from my memory. I'll just write about some lovely little things from last weekend.

First, on Friday night P. and I went Christmas party hopping. We attended three fantastic fiestas. The first was for my step-daughter's soccer team. You would think that such a party would not be worth much of a mention, but this one definitely was. The very, very generous parents of one of her teammates threw an affair to remember. There were delicious gourmet sushi, steak, pasta, pizza, and gelatto food stations (not to mention the open bar for the parents). The food was extraordinary, and it was with quite a bit of sadness that I saved my appetite for the following parties. There were extravagent gifts for the girls -- professionally created videos of the soccer season and individually embroidered sweatshirts for each of the girls. It was fancy and very special -- I guess that is one of the benefits of sending your kids to school and activities in Beverly Hills.

Next we went to my office Christmas dinner. This was also a beautiful affair (and the reason why I saved my appetite at the aforementioned party). We ate at aptly named Divino Restaurant in Brentwood. It was divine Italian food, and the conversation was great. We had a lovely three course meal and since I'd eaten some at the first party, P. rolled me out the door at the end of that party and packed me in the car to attend the Rhino Records Holiday party. I did not eat anything at the last party. I couldn't even imagine eating more food, but it looked good. The party was held at the Spanish Kitchen in West Hollywood. The DJ was in the corner spinning good music and it was quite a swinging affair. They even had a fortune teller, though the line for that guy was too long and we decided to forego that part of the entertainment. Unfortunately since we'd been partying since 4 p.m., around 11:00 I started to hit the wall. Luckily the restaurant was close to home and I was happily in bed by 11:30.

On Saturday I went to see the Dali exhibit at LACMA with Jill. The exhibit was very interesting, though I was reminded that I don't really like Dali. He's too dark and disturbing for me. I always value a trip to the museum though and come back filled with new creative ideas.

Later that day P. got the Christmas tree. It's a great tree, but sadly during the move to P's house, my Christmas ornaments seem to have gone missing. Thus, the tree is bereft of the ornaments that I've spent the past 10 years collecting. We bought a few lights and simple ball ornaments though and we're sort of enjoying our subtle minimalist tree. Sometimes it's nice to have a change.

Anyway, that's what's new and wonderful with me. I'll try to write again soon.


Blogger Unknown said...

Here's a link to some of the pictures we took of ourselves at LACMA.

It was fun to spend time together.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Hip Girlz said...

Yes, it was. I'm looking forward to our January date. :)

2:54 PM  

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