All Hallow's Eve
“If we are not happy and joyous at this season,
for what other season shall we wait and
for what other time shall we look?”
Halloween was a good night. Sean decided to have a little Halloween handing-out candy-drinking-wine-and-eating-tamales party. Melissa, Jason, and Cerissa came over. After the major festivities Peter also came over. I couldn't partake in the tamales and wine (I was on my cleansing juice fast again), but I enjoyed the company. Also, it was fun to hand out candy to our neighborhood kids. We had a very steady stream all night -- we went through 12 bags of candy!!! It's nice to see that kids still trick-or-treat. I thought that had gone out the window with fears of razor blades and poisoned snicker bars. For several years when I lived in Santa Monica, I never had one trick-or-treater. In my hood I see that the institution is still alive and thriving.
Today is Friday and I find myself with a free day all to my glorious self. I thought I had a mediation conference today so I told my job (I'm doing some contract attorney work), that I would be gone today. Turns out that the conference starts this evening and the crux happens tomorrow. Today turned out to be a gift. Yeah!!! I'm going to go and enjoy it now.

Marley and Peter, the 70's swinging dude

Marley, the angel, on Halloween.
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