Monday, May 30, 2005

Flying Trapeze Class

Yesterday I took a flying trapeze class with my friend Kristin. It wasn't one of those classes from Sex in the City (I don't watch tv and I didn't see the episode; Kristin described it for me though). I didn't have to grab on to anyone else mid-air. The class consisted of swinging solo on the trapeze, back and forth, fairly high off the ground and ultimately we learned to dismount in a back flip. Well, the others learned to dismount in a back flip. I'm one of the few that didn't manage to do it. I felt like a bit of a failure actually.

The class was not anything like this picture either. We were in a trapeze school come night club on Hollywood Blvd. The class was set up by a young professional networking group -- the Jet Set Society. The class was a lot bigger than the trapeze teachers anticipated so we were each only able to go on the trapeze twice. I'm consoling myself and thinking that if I had the chance to do it again, I would have swung my legs sufficiently back to enable myself to do a back flip.

I realized when I was up there swinging through the air on the flying trapeze that (a) I'm brave. I can leap off a platform high in the air and have faith that the harness and the skill of the instructors will keep me safe from harm; and (b) I have weak hand strength. The whole time I though I was going to lose my grip and fall. I suppose it's rather hard on the hand to hold up the weight of one's body while they are swinging through the air and kicking their legs backwards and forwards. I'm going to have to talk with my personal trainer about training those muscles. I'm not sure why I would need that type of strengh, but you never know.

Anyway, I think I'm going to try again. I don't like feeling like I've failed. I'm going to do that back flip if it's the last thing I do. Or maybe I won't and will just accept the fact that I do not have a future in the circus.

Friday, May 27, 2005

New Crusade

A relative of mine had to spend some time in a psychiatric hospital this week. It was very traumatic for all of us and I went to visit my relative in the hospital. I ended up parking a couple of blocks away from the hospital and started walking towards it. It's on a university campus and I walked down the streets admiring the buildings. The nueropsychiatric research institute is a crowning achitectural achievement. It has wide columns and an expansive courtyard. The designers put in lots of greenery and managed the amazing feat of creating an impressive institutional structure which still emanates warmth and humanity. I was hoping the hospital was in this building. It was not. It was set another half a block down through a courtyard path. The much smaller brown building looked like it had been built about 30 years ago and hadn't aged well.

I found my way through the labyrinthian halls to the Adult Pyschiatric Unit. The door was locked but there was a phone there. I picked up the phone and could see through the door's window a nurse sitting behind a desk enclosed in glass. She picked up the phone, I told her I was here to see my relative and she buzzed me in. Visiting hours had just begun. I walked half way down the hall and a woman was sitting in a doorway with a clipboard at the entrance to the visitor's lounge/rec lounge. She pointed me to a corner where my relative was sitting down and coloring. We hugged (she hugged me with a sort of fierce desperation) and as I sat down on the couch beside her, looked around. I was depressed just being there! The forest green sofas and chairs were haggard and falling apart. The art on the walls looked like it had been purchased at Wal-Mart in 1988. This was not a good place to come and get mentally well.

As I left the hospital I decided that something has to be done. This is not a place to rehabilitate the mind and soul (unless their goal is to make it so awful that people will force themselves sane to leave). I think that Extreme Home Makeover or Oprah or someone needs to be contacted about this travesty. I need my relative to take digital pictures of the space and then we'll start the crusade to create a soothing place that brings sanity and peace to all who enter.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Be empty of worrying.
Think of who created thought!

Why do you stay in prison
when the door is so wide open?

Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking.
Live in silence"


Anger at Home Depot

Normally I am very even keeled, mellow, and happy.

(Mo in General)

Home Depot though has been getting me very close to becoming a raving lunatic! As much as I love my house I have hated dealing with Home Depot. Every experience I've had in that store has taken 5 times longer than it's had to. All the custom installation crap has been nightmarish. To get "72 Hour" flooring installed has taken me close to 15 days and almost 72 hours in the store or on the phone with Home Depot begging, cajoling, and/or threatening them to get my flooring done before my sister moves into the back house. I used to really love Home Depot and now...

(Mo after an interaction with Home Depot personnel)

100 Things that Make Me Happy (91-100)

91. blogging
92. wet suits
93. snorkeling
94. orgasms
95. sky diving
96. lotus flowers
97. my digital camera
98. e-mail
99. geckos
100. finishing lists

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Answer: five. Why? Because there's a difference between deciding & doing."
-Irish Saying

I love this saying. It makes me realize how important it is to take actual steps to make your dreams come true, not just "decide" to do them.

100 Things that Make Me Happy (81-90)

81. red lipstick
82. graduations
83. sincere smiles
84. knee-high black boots (a.k.a. FMB's)
85. summer time
86. autumn
87. freshly-fallen snow
88. snow angels
89. sand castles
90. weddings

Monday, May 23, 2005

Going to New York... Again for Longer

I'm being sent to my law firm's New York office for a couple of months. I volunteered -- partly because of fear about not having enough hours and of a desire to be viewed as a "team player." Also, I figure there are far worse things than New York City in the summer. I also have tons of friends in the city. Life does not suck. I'm bummed though to be leaving my awesome new house and this new boy I'm dating. I really like where I am and feel no need to leave. Oh well, I can't complain though sometimes good things make you sad.

100 Things that Make Me Happy (71-80)

71. oriental carpets
72. my "Goddess Dancing" painting
73. tapas
74. a great bowel movement
75. Pachabel's Canon
76. a clean office
77. naps
78. those shades in Spain that shut out all the light
79. peonies
80. my Hip Girlz jewelry

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

100 Things that Make Me Happy (61-70)

61. A book that I can't put down
62. the smell of fresh basil
63. the color aquamarine
64. making jewelry
65. horses
66. baby chicks
67. bubble baths
68. lady bugs
69. the smell of fresh ginger
70. cumulus clouds against a blue sky

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Quote of the Day

"Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else's life."

Kobi Yamada

100 Things that Make Me Happy (51-60)

51. chocolate
52. waking up and realizing that you don't have to get out of bed
53. dolphins
54. korean bbq
55. martini shakers
56. spending time with my best friends
57. cooking a meal for others
58. yoga
59. vodka tonics
60. feeling warm sand between my toes

Monday, May 16, 2005

100 Things that Make Me Happy (1-50)

I'm writing down the 100 things that make me happy. Here are the first fifty.

1. Warm bread fresh from the oven
2. Rainbows
3. Sunsets
4. Sunrises
5. Painting
6. Receiving flowers
7. Watching someone open an eagerly-anticipated gift that you bought or made.
8. Halloween costumes
9. Dodger Dogs
10. Coming home after the cleaning lady has been there
11. Touring people around my new house and seeing their expressions
12. Dancing tango
13. Receiving a heart-felt compliment
14. Waking up in someone's arms
15. Warm apple pie a la mode
16. Feeling sore after a good workout
17. Crossing a finish line
18. A baby's little hands and feet
19. A baby's smile
20. A baby's smell (when the diapers are clean)
21. Autumn leaves in New England
22. swimming in the ocean
23. first kisses
24. holding hands with someone you love
25. Landing at your destination airport at the beginning of a trip
26. belly laughs
27. karaoke
28. my mother's cooking
29. Christmas trees
30. Manicures
31. Pedicures
32. Massages
33. Observing someone enjoy my paintings
34. Popping the cork on a bottle of good champagne
35. Beef, especially Argentine beef
36. Sushi
37. My new house
38. Going to the hair dresser and having your head washed
39. hiking
40. Cartwheels
41. african dance
42. kittens
43. puppies
44. Hugs
45. Singing in front of an audience
46. Hot showers
47. Hot tubs
48. Thunderstorms
49. The ocean
50. Belly dancing with my jingly pink belly dancing scarf

Quote of the Day

"The only journey is the journey within."

Rainer Maria Rilke

I'm official

I received my new clergy card from the Universal Life Church last weekend. It's very official and even has cool holographic seals on it. I also received a booklet letting me know that I am now capable of marrying, baptising, and presiding over a funeral. I can also hold my own Universal Life Church services and begin a congregation. I'm here for the people. If anyone needs my services, let me know. For a small fee, all can be arranged. :)

Thursday, May 12, 2005


The game is paying off... I have lost 10 lbs. Actually I lost 10 1/2. I weighed myself this morning. I'm looking good if I do say so myself. ...My relationship with my parents has really improved. My mom and dad really look forward to my daily call (as do I). I can't believe something so simple would make such a huge difference. It has. All of my relationships are improving. Things are going well on the dating front. I won't put too much here, because this is public and I need SOME secrets. More interesting things on the work front too.

I met with a career counselor yesterday. He works specifically with lawyers helping them transition into things they'll love to do (inside or outside of the law). Meeting with him was not quite what I expected. I guess I was expecting someone to just tell me what my options were and he mostly explored my ideas and previous likes and dislikes. I think the process will be helpful. We'll see. I have two homework assignments. One is to come up with a 6 month budget. The other one is to write about myself in 20 years. I'm at an awards banquet and I'm the guest of honor. What are the attendees saying about me? Should be an interesting exercise.

So, things are progressing. My office is still messy, but it's not quite as bad as before. I need to be ever vigilant. I also need to get back to work.


Quote of the Day

"No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy the sunlight today, mix good cheer with friends today, enjoy it and bless God for it. Do not look back on happiness -- or dream of it in the future. You are only sure of today; do not let yourself be cheated out of it."

Author Unkown

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bikini Wax

I get it aesthetically why we women get a bikini wax. But on Sunday when I went to the salon and had my legs up in the air in some strange contortion, had a strange woman smearing burning hot wax on me and ripping out hair from my most private of private areas, and tears were streaming down my face from the pain, I couldn't quite "get it." All I could think of was "this is the most g**damn stupid thing I do!" Of course it's made worse because I put off doing this until it gets to the point of desperate measures. If I did it more frequently it wouldn't hurt as much, but still. I just don't GET IT!

Quote of the Day

"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children."

Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I was ordained yesterday. I'm a minister with the Universal Life Church. I went online and filled out a form, then clicked on a button that says "ORDAIN ME." It took about 30 seconds and was free. I did pay $29.95 ($34.05 with tax) to get a certificate and a manual on conducting weddings (as well as the applicable law on weddings for all 50 states). All things considered, I thought it was a deal.

Why would I get ordained one might ask? Well, my beautiful friend Kelli is getting married to Greg. They asked me to preside over the wedding. I'm so flattered and thrilled. The wedding is not for a year (date set for June 10), but I'm already planning my sermon. God I love a microphone!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Game

I'm playing a game. I'm playing the Game. Basically it's a game for your life. You pick 3-5 areas of your life that you want to improve. My areas are: work, environment, relationships, mind, and body & health. You set lofty goals, you give yourself 90 days, you get a partner that will help push and coach you, you work with the team (the other people playing the game), you establish rewards and punishments, and off you go.

Here's my game info:
Game Start: 4/25/05 Game End: 7/23/05

DIVINE PURPOSE: Help others connect to their joy and their divine purpose. Bring beauty into the world and helping others to grow, heal, and expand their horizons.

Mind: stop daydreaming and increase focus

Hip Girlz: (1) get website up and working; (2) host a home sale; (3) set up a booth at the E! Network and get Hip Girlz jewelry onto the Style Network; (4) finish one chapter of the Hip Girl' Guide that can be sent to various publishers
Law Firm: learn to love my job
Other Options: find job that is more in line with my divine purpose

Health & Body: lose 10% body fat/get to ideal body weight for my body (lose approximately 25 lbs).

Environment: Organize and clean my office, car, and new home (especially closets); remodel casita and basement

Relationships: seek out more positive relationships; let go of all relationships that do not bring me in line with my divine purpose
Fix all "A" relationships. In particular strengthen relationship with mom.
Get into relationship with soul mate and get engaged.


As this process goes on, I'll add more info. I'm proud to say that so far I'm 5 lbs lighter, have a way better relationship with my mom (mostly because I've been calling her every day), and have set up a home jewelry sale for JUNE 4, 2005. Mark your calendars people, it's going to be fun!