"Don't expect to find life worth living; make it that way."Author UnknownLast weekend I went to my friend Jen's wedding. She married the adorable Neil at the Newark Club in Newark, NJ. I flew into JFK on Friday afternoon and had a long and very expensive cab ride through rush hour traffic to make it just in the nick of time. 2 hours 45 minutes and $120 later, I arrived at the hotel with ten minutes to change and make it to the wedding. Luckily the wedding was across the street.
They had a beautiful interfaith service with a rabbi and Neil's sister as the minister. Afterwards we proceeded to eat inordinate amounts of food punctuated by occasional dancing. After eating and drinking way to much, I stumbled back to my hotel room and promptly fell fast asleep until the next morning when I awoke and ate more at the wedding brunch. Good times. I loved seeing Jen so happy and it was great to catch up with my college friend George and his adorable boyfriend.
After brunch I packed up and took the train into the city to meet up with Kelli and Greg. As I left the hotel, the sun started to peek out from behind the clouds. I thought "this is going to be a beautiful day." Alas, as I stepped out from the subway, the skies opened up and a torrential downpour started. I grabbed my little umbrella (the wind laughed at me as it flipped it upside down from time to time) and walked briskly through the typhoon for 6 blocks. By the time I arrived at Kelli & Greg's I looked like a drowned rat. As I arrived the rain subsided. By the time we left the house an hour later, the sun was out and the day was beautiful again. Oh well. Once I stopped fighting the rain, I actually enjoyed getting absolutely soaked through. It was not too cold and the novelty of it all after living in LA was refreshing.
Kelli, Greg, and their friend Jen decided that what they wanted to do for the day was to start drinking at 3:00 p.m. and end sometime at 3:00 a.m. We didn't quite do that. We stopped drinking at 2:30 a.m. We also took a nap between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Crazy times, but we did make it to my favorite bar -- Rudy's. I LOVE that place. I can't quite put my finger on what makes it so wonderful, but it's always a good time.
To my NYC friends who are reading this, I'm sorry I didn't get in touch when I was in the city. My trip was incredibly short and I just needed to make sure that the union I helped create was motoring on as beautifully as before. :)
The happy bride and groom.
Kelli and I at the first of our drinking establishments.