One of the cutest babies in the world getting geared up for the chilly boat ride.
Susan, Meg, and I showing off our delicious cookies
Gathering around the player piano.So I arrived on Saturday morning (I thankfully breezed through Customs) and waited a wee bit for Susan and Megan to arrive and pick me up. Evidently I was supposed to call the cottage before I left (I called Sue's cell phone). I had about 45 minutes to wait in the airport before they arrived. It was raining fairly heavily.
They arrived and we drove to lake. We stopped in St. Sever before arriving to pick up groceries. Produce was very, very cheap and very good! I was so impressed. How is it that it's so much cheaper than in California? Hmmm. Inquiring minds want to know.
After getting our groceries and some gas we drove on to the lake. We boarded Susan's speed boat and boated out to her cottage at the end of the lake (it's on it's own little island and boating is the only mode of transportation to get there). Luckily the rain had stopped by the time we arrived.
Her cottage greeted me like an old friend. It was my fourth visit to this magical place and it's familiar coziness soothed me. I had made it and could finally breathe. The three of us had fun catching up. We made some homemade chocolate chip/chunk cookies and played scrabble. Susan also made calls inviting her lake friends over to the house for a party that night.
Before we knew it, it was 9:30 p.m. and the guests started arriving for the party. They munched on the delicious cookies, drank beer and wine, and caught up as only old friends who've grown up together do. The party was fun and ended around 1:00 a.m. I crashed like a sack of potatoes (I'd woken up at 5:30 a.m. to catch my flight that morning).
The next day I slept in, chatted with Susan, wrote in my journal, and made an omelette breakfast. When we were eating, Susan's friend Karen came over with her 16 month old daughter Nissa. We played with Nissa, maybe one of the cutest kids in creation, and chatted. Megan came and joined us later that afternoon. I love days when you just talk and talk and talk. After a few hours we said goodbye to Karen and Nissa and boated to the village to take a walk among the beautiful trees. The crisp fall air felt so good on my skin and I delighted in the vibrant colors around me.
After our walk, Megan went off to make dinner with her husband and father and Susan and I headed back to her cottage to get ready for the Canadian Thanksgiving feast we'd been invited to. We got to dinner (not before catching the most spectacular sunset) and had a blast eating, singing with the player piano (original karaoke), and chatting. Susan and I left around 10:30 to try to get home, pack up the cottage, and catch a few z's before leaving for the airport at 3:30 a.m. I got 3 hours of sleep and we just made it to the airport. I had no problems with customs and I made it home to LA. Great weekend, though I wish it had been longer. I could have used another week there.